Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's Time to Shout

Do not look at the day or time of this post and think it does not pertain to you. This is a divine appointment for you. There are several of "you." The Lord has led you to this page for such a time as this. He woke me from my sleep and directed me to record this for you. Prophecy is of no private interpretation, and He will lead others to this page for this message as well, but at this moment, what you must realize is, this is for you!

Just as Joshua led the children of Israel around Jericho, there came a time that the Lord commanded them to SHOUT! (Joshua 6) When he and the people shouted, the walls came down. It is time for YOU to shout. Shout for victory, because the Lord has torn down the walls that have restrained you from entering your promise! SHOUT! To God be the glory! I tell you now, be not ashamed ... SHOUT praises to God! SHOUT thanks to the Lord! Then see the walls of restraint crumble before you!

Those who have ears to hear, HEAR!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

How Are We Saved?

How are we saved? We are saved by grace THROUGH faith. We are saved by God's willingness to use His power on our behalf, through the receiving and acting upon His Word which He gives us. He sent His Word and healed us and delivered us out of our distresses.  Many talk about grace, but how do we appropriate that grace into our life?  Through FAITH!

May God bless you, and make you a blessing to others.
Bishop Dennis

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Now's the Time!

Regardless of what has happened to you, God still has a plan and purpose for your life. Now's the time! Proverbs 24:16a - "For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again." God desires to do what He's never done before. He wants to do that through you and me. In order for Him to do the things He's never done before, we must do things we've never done before. For us to continue to do the same things over and over, and then expect different results, is insanity. Let's step out and walk on a level with the Lord that we've not walked before, in order to see the great things that God desires to do through us ... things He's never done before.

May God bless you, and make you a blessing to others.
Bishop Dennis