Friday, July 29, 2016

Are You a Believer?

Are you a believer? Don't you believe then that signs should "follow us." We're not to "follow signs," signs are to "follow us."

Mark 16:17-18 "These signs will accompany those who have believed: ... they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

Please understand, Jesus didn't say that we would lay hands on the sick "and pray a long 'King James' prayer." He said that we would simply "lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

How many believe we should lay hands on the sick, as if Jesus actually meant what He said? He didn't ask us to do anything hard or difficult. Healing the sick might be hard, but that's what God does. Laying hands on the sick is easy, and that's what we do. He does the hard part, we do the easy part.

I can hear the thoughts in some of your minds, as I sit here and type. "What if it doesn't work?" To which I ask, "What if it does?"

In 2Cor 6, we're told that we are "workers with Him." He does His part, as we are obedient to do our part. He has chosen to utilize each of us in His plan. As we do our part, "lay hands on the sick," He does His part, "and they will recover."

What kind of testimony of God's love, mercy, and grace would it be if we allowed Him to do His part, by doing our part?

If we profess to be believers, don't you agree that we should dare to believe that He meant what He said, and dare to follow His instructions?

To God be all glory, honor, and praise, as we are faithful to do our part, which releases Him to do His part.

Bishop Dennis

Thursday, July 28, 2016

One Word from God

I've been reading a lot of books in the last year, possibly more than any 5 years in my life. Recently, I've come across a chapter that has just "stopped me." What I mean by that is this chapter has challenged my way of looking at things. It's been the catalyst for an epiphany in my life.

This chapter I'm referring to is about having courage to face current reality. So many times people walk in denial of their surroundings. Understanding current reality, and seeing it clearly, is as important as having a clear vision.

Too often people want to believe things are good. Then these people put a positive spin on the results. Finally, over a period of time, people lose sight of what is actually happening around them.

Then I read the following:

The church is a prime example. Every year denominational leaders gather at conventions to compare statistics, hand out awards, and listen to speeches. Over the course of a year, hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on programming and weekly services. All of this is done under the banner of "making disciples," or "transforming lives." But the truth is that there is very little to show for all the meetings, messages, and mothers' mornings out. The church is making far more dinners than disciples. And while there is a general awareness that things are not going well, the average church attendee is content to show up once a week, do his time, and pretend that all is fine. (excerpt from "Next Generation Leader" by Andy Stanley)


This has just really affected ME, and the way I think. Add to this, the services that Cindy & I were in on Sunday (7/24/16) with Tim Storey, and the life-changing messages we received ... then that excerpt above takes on an even stronger meaning.

One Word from God can change your life. The Word of God is life! When that "seed" of life (God's Word) is planted within your heart, then it will produce the life of God within you.

There's more to this epiphany ... to this revelation. God is doing a work in me. I sense it. I'm experiencing it. It's mostly still on the inside yet. However, those who truly know me, can probably see something, even though it may be a small transformation, at this time. It's just the beginning. Despise not the day of small beginnings. The small beginnings have the capabilities of growing into something great. Wait on the Lord ... He knows the plans that He has for you, plans for good and not for evil, so that you might have a future and a hope!

So, I'm waiting on Him to complete the work that He has begun in me. I appreciate your prayers. I'm excited about what He has in store for Cindy & I.

May God bless you, and make you a blessing to others.

Bishop Dennis

Monday, July 25, 2016

God Has Spoken

There have been several times in my life when God has spoken to me in "dramatic fashion." Understand that he continually talks with me, about purpose, direction, and also just in a fellowship manner. He desires to have continual communication with us.

When I say "dramatic fashion," I'm talking a "life-changing" or "life-transforming" manner. Consider conversations that you've had with your parents, children, or spouse. You have communication regularly. However, a few of those conversations have been "life-changing" or "life-transforming" for one party or the other, or both.

Well, I've had several of those conversations with the Lord, that I can go back and say, "This communication transformed my life." On Sunday, 7/24/2016, I experienced one of those moments. God sent Tim Storey to South Plains Church in Levelland, TX, with a message for me. (The message was for Cindy, as well, and I'll allow her to share that message when, where, and how, she sees fit.)

What a powerful message. I will not elaborate on it in this post, because I'm still processing all that took place, and all that was spoken and communicated.

At this point, I want to thank God for His faithfulness, His mercy, and His grace. We'll see the effects of today, in the days, months, and years to come.

To God be all glory, honor, and praise!

God Has Spoken

There have been several times in my life when God has spoken to me in "dramatic fashion." Understand that he continually talks with me, about purpose, direction, and also just in a fellowship manner. He desires to have continual communication with us.

When I say "dramatic fashion," I'm talking a "life-changing" or "life-transforming" manner. Consider conversations that you've had with your parents, children, or spouse. You have communication regularly. However, a few of those conversations have been "life-changing" or "life-transforming" for one party or the other, or both.

Well, I've had several of those conversations with the Lord, that I can go back and say, "This communication transformed my life." On Sunday, 7/24/2016, I experienced one of those moments. God sent Tim Storey to South Plains Church in Levelland, TX, with a message for me. (The message was for Cindy, as well, and I'll allow her to share that message when, where, and how, she sees fit.)

What a powerful message. I will not elaborate on it in this post, because I'm still processing all that took place, and all that was spoken and communicated.

At this point, I want to thank God for His faithfulness, His mercy, and His grace. We'll see the effects of today, in the days, months, and years to come.

To God be all glory, honor, and praise!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Stand Firm in the Lord

Evil abounds, but it doesn't prevail. The Lord is our fortress, our shield, our high tower, and our rear guard. Though it may appear that darkness surrounds you, stand firm in the Lord. His light will shine through you into the darkness, and your path will be made clear. To God be all glory, honor, & praise!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

He Knows Your Fears

The Lord would say He knows your thoughts ... He knows your fears.

"Put your trust in Me," says the Lord. "Incline your ear to My sayings. As you believe in, trust in, walk in My Word, you will see fear flee from you."

"Any thought that would come against My promises to you, are birthed of evil. Neither receive such thoughts, nor give place to them. Stand firm in My Word, and I will show forth in you, and through you, great and mighty things," says the Lord.