Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Miracle is in You!!!

I'm going to allow you to look up, and read the following verses:
   1Kings 17:12
   John 2:3
   Joshua 10:12
   2Kings 6:6
   Ephesians 2:1
   Ephesians 3:20
   Philippians 2:13
   Colossians 1:29
   Romans 8:11


  • extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention into human affairs; can only take place when there is a crisis that requires divine intervention and human efforts have failed.


  • disciples fished and caught nothing (until the miracle);
  • loaves and fishes;
  • water into wine;
  • Elijah, the widow and her son;
  • Elisha and the woman with the little jar of oil;
  • Lazarus from the grave;
  • birth of virgin - became the hope of all the world;
  • (all came to the end of themselves, thus creating the environment for a miracle)

God will overpower natural law when there is need for a miracle.


  • Joshua, in battle, needed the sun to remain. God put the universe on hold;
  • prophets borrowed an axe for building a school, axe head flew off into water, man of God spoke, axe head began to swim;
  • money in fish's mouth;
  • Peter walks on water;
  • miracle of the resurrection

Miracles break through the limitations that we have.
  • While the source of miracles is God, the power to release them is in YOU.
  • The reason many don't receive their miracles is because they don't know how to release or ignite it.
  • "All things are possible to him who believes (has the substance of a miracle working in him)."         -Mark 9:23
Where do I start?
  • Define what power is at work in you.
  1. Ephesians 2:1-12 ... No miracle can take place in the sons of disobedience.
  2. Ephesians 3:20 ... There IS a "... spirit (power) ... working in the sons of obedience."
  3. Sanctify yourself so the miracle in you can be released. Before there can be individual miracles, there must be a corporate miracle. (i.e.: In the Promised Land were individual miracles.)
  4. Before the individual miracles, there had to be a miracle at Jericho, where they all came into agreement as one.
  5. God had to get them ready as a corporate body (everybody). If you don't "walk around the walls," we don't get the corporate miracle.
  • Be specific about your miracle.
  1. An egg within a woman, which holds the potential for a miracle, lies dormant until it is fertilized.
  2. In every seed is a miracle, but it must be planted in good soil and watered, and that seed comes alive!
May God bless you abundantly, and make you a blessing to others!

Presiding Apostle/Prophet of CFI

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Grace & Nothing More

By grace we are saved through faith ...

Jesus is Lord! He's supreme in authority. His desire is YOUR best. His love for you drives His grace upon you. The key to deliverance, healing, salvation, and safety is understanding and knowing His love for you.

Let's understand the meaning of these words. Grace is simply His favor toward you. The Greek word for saved, is the same Greek word in Romans 10:9, which means salvation, healing, deliverance, and safety. Faith comes by hearing the word of Christ, and ... faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.

Let's break it down just a bit more. Since faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ, one can understand that the word of Christ is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Once you've heard the word of Christ on a matter, you have subtance of the things you've hoped for. His word is all the evidence you need ... more sure than seeing it.

So, we understand that it is by God's favor we are saved, delivered, healed, and put into safety through hearing the word of Christ. The righteous shall live by faith (hearing and hearing by the word of Christ).

God's word is vital for your daily walk. Be sure to get your daily bread for your spiritual strength.

May God bless you abundantly, and make you a blessing to others,

Bishop Dennis Davis
Presiding Apostle/Prophet of CFI