1Kings 17:12
John 2:3
Joshua 10:12
2Kings 6:6
Ephesians 2:1
Ephesians 3:20
Philippians 2:13
Colossians 1:29
Romans 8:11
- extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention into human affairs; can only take place when there is a crisis that requires divine intervention and human efforts have failed.
- disciples fished and caught nothing (until the miracle);
- loaves and fishes;
- water into wine;
- Elijah, the widow and her son;
- Elisha and the woman with the little jar of oil;
- Lazarus from the grave;
- birth of virgin - became the hope of all the world;
- (all came to the end of themselves, thus creating the environment for a miracle)
God will overpower natural law when there is need for a miracle.
- Joshua, in battle, needed the sun to remain. God put the universe on hold;
- prophets borrowed an axe for building a school, axe head flew off into water, man of God spoke, axe head began to swim;
- money in fish's mouth;
- Peter walks on water;
- miracle of the resurrection
Miracles break through the limitations that we have.
- While the source of miracles is God, the power to release them is in YOU.
- The reason many don't receive their miracles is because they don't know how to release or ignite it.
- "All things are possible to him who believes (has the substance of a miracle working in him)." -Mark 9:23
Where do I start?
- Define what power is at work in you.
- Ephesians 2:1-12 ... No miracle can take place in the sons of disobedience.
- Ephesians 3:20 ... There IS a "... spirit (power) ... working in the sons of obedience."
- Sanctify yourself so the miracle in you can be released. Before there can be individual miracles, there must be a corporate miracle. (i.e.: In the Promised Land were individual miracles.)
- Before the individual miracles, there had to be a miracle at Jericho, where they all came into agreement as one.
- God had to get them ready as a corporate body (everybody). If you don't "walk around the walls," we don't get the corporate miracle.
- Be specific about your miracle.
- An egg within a woman, which holds the potential for a miracle, lies dormant until it is fertilized.
- In every seed is a miracle, but it must be planted in good soil and watered, and that seed comes alive!
May God bless you abundantly, and make you a blessing to others!
Presiding Apostle/Prophet of CFI