Bishop Dennis Davis presents the gospel of Jesus Christ through conferences, seminars, video, audio, and written teachings.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Sin Is Not Imputed When There Is No Law
Today's Bible Study:
Just as through one man sin entered into the world ... and death through sin ... and so death spread to all men, because all sinned — for until the Law sin was in the world ...
but sin is not imputed when there is no law.
Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those who had not sinned in the likeness of the offense of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come.
If you've made it this far ... please comment and give your definition of "sin."
May God bless you abundantly, and make you a blessing to others.
Bishop Dennis Davis
Presiding Apostle/Prophet of CFI
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Hear What God Is Saying And Walk In It
May God bless you abundantly, and make you a blessing to others!
Bishop Dennis Davis
Presiding Apostle/Prophet of CFI
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Equipping Leaders
Monday, May 9, 2011
While the day my mother gave birth to me is an important date, there is one day that is even greater, yet few celebrate it at all. That day would be the day we are "born again." Why most not celebrate it? I'd say because many have NO idea when they were born again ... which could be a problem.
On the one hand, there are those who KNOW that they were born again. They can tell you the moment or event, but they can't tell you the date. They can tell you specifics about that day, they just don't recall the month or day, and sometimes don't even recall the year. However, they do KNOW of a moment that they were born again, and their life changed.
On the other hand, there are those who have no idea of when they were born again. They can't point to a specific moment, event, season, or anything. They just "grew up" a Christian. These I am concerned about.
I understand that many churches don't keep the records, nor do they highlight the special day representing when they were born again. Thus, many don't know the date. But when someone can't point back to a time they made a decision to accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ, then we must encourage them to truly question ... have I truly made Jesus Christ Lord of my life? It's a decision one makes.
If you know the day you were born again ... cherish it. Make it special. Celebrate it. If you know the month, but not a specific day ... pick a day and celebrate it. My point is this ... we celebrate our fleshly birth, yet our spiritual birth is far more important. Which should we treasure more?
Those who may read this who don't know of any time that they could say, "I was born again," I challenge you ... make THIS day that day. Decide, and declare, that Jesus is Lord of your life from this day forth. Thank Him for the salvation that He has given to you, and rejoice!
My very special day was July 23, 1979 at 3:10 AM.
Proclaim the good news to others and invite them to accept the Lordship of Jesus for themselves.
May God bless you abundantly, and make you a blessing to others,
Bishop Dennis Davis
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Personal Prophetic Ministry
Bishop Dennis Davis
Presiding Apostle/Prophet of CFI
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Radical Change
Monday, January 24, 2011
The Awakening is Upon Us!!!
Now many of you that have taken the time to read my facebook and twitter chatter, have heard me talking about an awakening. Up until tonight (you can tell me I've been hiding in a closet), but until tonight, I've not heard anyone else talking about an awakening. Tonight ... I read this ... "One of the things that we keep hearing for 2011 is AWAKENING is COMING! God is prophetically speaking to His people telling them to arise, awake, and accept the light of a new day!" Amazing! Glad someone is hearing it. The first and only time I've heard it, was some time ago while I was in prayer. It was birthed in my spirit, and it has been like a fire. Get ready.
I'm also the presiding Apostle/Prophet for CFI (Christian Fellowship International). I've prayed a lot about that. I kept telling my wife, I have to answer the question, "WHY?" Why CFI? This was back in October of 2010. I then found a book. It was discounted and only cost me a dollar. I look back and have NO IDEA why I picked up that book. I have NO IDEA why I purchased it after I picked it up. The ONLY reason it could have been, was that it was divinely prompted. That book answered so many of my questions. It would take a book, to explain all the answers the Lord revealed to me concerning questions that I'd had for years. However, through all that, the Lord revealed to me the WHY, that I'd been asking about. CFI is for equipping and empowering believers, and releasing them to fulfill the call of God on their lives. I've been communicating that to those who inquire about CFI, and anyone else that will listen. :-)
OK, having said that ... what else do I read tonight, from the same blog? (BTW, the blog I read can be found by clicking here ... it's by Brian Simmons, and it's about half way down the page.) The title is "Seven Components of a Great Life This Year and Some Celebrities Will Prophesy." He started out with what I mentioned in the opening paragraph of my blog here. Then he went into his 7 components. It was all good, but #4 was amazing, because in #4 he wrote:
- 4. Empowerment of Others to Fulfill Their Ministry
- Non-controlling, equipping, releasing, affirming, fathers/mothers will arise in 2011. Will you be one of them? Now is the time to stop telling people in the Church what they can't do and begin to teach the saints what they can do! The works of Jesus are waiting for a faith-filled people to step out in ministry and do it! I love the legacy of John Wimber who taught our generation that we can "do the stuff." So why would we put so many barriers and restrictions and probations before God's people when He calls us to "do the stuff"? People who really know the power of God are now called to empower the people to know it, too! If you will give yourself like crazy to take off shackles from God's people and empower them to fulfill their ministry, 2011 will be the BEST year you've ever had!
I've recently been talking about coaching (similar to what he says about "fathers/mothers"), and how I see the need for everyone to have a coach. Yes, the Holy Spirit is our coach, but in case anyone hasn't noticed lately, some have had (admittedly) a rough time hearing that voice clearly. It is the responsibility of the mature to teach and train others how to hear that voice.
I find it amazing and exciting when the Lord does things like this. It stirs me when I get confirmation about what the Lord is doing. He has told us, by the mouth of two or more witnesses let everything be established.
I encourage you to get ready for a great outpouring ... a great AWAKENING. If you, or someone you know needs equipping and/or empowering, please visit the CFI website.
May God bless you abundantly, and make you a blessing to others,
Presiding Apostle/Prophet of CFI
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Contrasting Kingdom Leaders and Church Leaders
There is presently a revolution taking place among those on the leading edge of change in the Evangelical Church. The result is a transition from a church mindset to a kingdom mindset in which the walls of church buildings are no longer able to contain the raw creative energy of Christ-followers who are committed to preaching and applying the Gospel of the Kingdom to all the world, including its systems and structures.
As political solutions and big government attempts to heal our land fail miserably, more people will look to faith-based partnerships and churches to find solutions. Hence the irrelevancy of old church patterns and traditions will become more noticeable in the decades to come.
Consequently, it behooves us to continue to study the contrasts between leading-edge kingdom practices and old, irrelevant religious church patterns that have failed to effectively evangelize and transform communities with the gospel.
The following is a contrast between leaders with a kingdom mindset and those with a church mindset.
I. Kingdom leaders interpret Matthew 28:19-20 as referring to discipling all nations. Church leaders believe it only refers to all individual ethnic peoples.
The Body of Christ is now re-thinking the Great Commission scriptures of Mark 16:15 and Matthew 28:19-20. Instead of viewing them as commands to merely evangelize individual souls, now many are viewing the command in Mark 16 to ‘go into all the world and preach’ as a command to apply the gospel to both individual sinners and world systems. Matthew 28:19-20 is now regarded as the New Testament equivalent to the Cultural Mandate found in Genesis 1:28.
II. Kingdom leaders attempt to nurture and release world-class leaders who serve their communities. Church leaders nurture only those who serve in Sunday ministry.
Kingdom leaders understand that only 2% to 3% of those in their congregations are called to full-time church ministry. These leaders believe they are called to equip the saints for the work of the ministry which, in the kingdom, includes marketplace vocational ministry, not only ecclesial ministry. With this view, there is room for everyone in the congregation to be set apart and trained as a minister of the gospel.
III. Kingdom leaders understand and work with God’s common grace. Church leaders only understand and work with those who have experienced saving grace.
Kingdom leaders understand that God’s grace has been poured out to all of humanity so the world can function normally. Romans 13:1-7 calls civic leaders God’s ministers (diakanos or deacons). If God calls unredeemed leaders His ministers then kingdom leaders know they can also partner with political and community leaders, even if they are not in full agreement when it comes to faith and core values.
Church leaders only work with those that are in full agreement with their core religious values, thus insulating themselves from the world around them.
IV. Kingdom leaders have a biblical worldview that encompasses all of life. Church leaders have a semi-Gnostic Greek view of Scripture that regards only spiritual things as important.
Kingdom leaders know that the earth is the Lord’s and not the devil’s (Psalm 24)! They know that the Word became flesh. Thus, the material world is also sacred and something to be cultivated (Genesis 2:15).
Church leaders are only concerned with spiritual things like prayer, healing, the gifts and fruit of the Spirit, etc. These spiritual things are only really effective if they are applied to our walk with God and its concomitant love of neighbor as salt and light.
V. Kingdom leaders are working towards a new Christendom. Church leaders are only trying to produce individual Christians.
Kingdom leaders desire to interweave the principles of God’s Word into every fabric of culture so every nation and city favors Christianity and bases civic laws on biblical precepts.
Church leaders are not overly concerned with politics and economics but with adding new converts who, without a biblical worldview, will only perpetuate humanistic ungodly systems with their partial “spiritual” gospel.
VI. Kingdom leaders teach the church to embrace their secular communities before they experience conversion. Church leaders embrace people into their faith communities only after they experience salvation.
Kingdom leaders regard their cities and communities as gifts to the church and to the people who live in them. They embrace their communities in humility and send their members into their communities as servant leaders who will be the greatest problem solvers of the most challenging human needs.
Church leaders only embrace individuals in their communities after they have professed faith in Christ. Thus, they insulate and isolate themselves and their churches from the felt needs of their communities, yet are joyful as long as their churches are growing and their bills are paid.
VII. Kingdom leaders turn the world upside down (Acts 17:1-7). Church leaders restructure their local churches.
In Acts 17 it was said, when the apostles came into a community, that ‘those who turned the world upside down have come here also.’
Nowadays the typical church mindset is only concerned with what happens within the four walls of the church building. There are many churches that, if they closed down, the local community boards, police stations, and political leaders would barely notice they were gone!
VIII. Kingdom leaders articulate Christ as Lord over every culture. Church leaders preach Christ as only the head of the church.
Kingdom leaders recognize Jesus’ place as King of every secular king. This has vast cultural and political implications, and pressures the church to engage the secular arena.
Those with a church mindset only preach Christ as the head of the church and neglect Jesus’ function as King over the unredeemed world!
IX. Kingdom leaders shepherd whole communities. Church leaders shepherd only their church congregations.
Kingdom leaders understand they are called to communities, not only to local churches. Hence, they see themselves as chaplains and spiritual leaders of regions.
Church leaders feel no responsibility to their communities because they feel committed only to those who attend their Sunday services.
X. Kingdom leaders attempt to exorcise demons out of ungodly social systems. Church leaders only cast devils out of individual people.
Kingdom leaders understand that Jesus came to redeem systemic sin, not just individual sin (read Colossians 1:20).
Church leaders only feel called to deal with individual evil. Thus, they interpret passages such as Luke 4:18 as dealing with the individual poor and oppressed, neglecting the systemic reference from which it came. (Read Isaiah 61:1-4 to see that Luke 4:18 concerns redeeming and restoring desolate cities, not just individuals in need.)
XI. Kingdom leaders pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Church leaders pray for revival in their churches.
The Lord’s Prayer (Luke 11) teaches us to pray that God’s will would be done and His kingdom would come on earth. Thus, kingdom leaders have as their prayer focus the kingdom being manifest on the earth.
Leaders with a church mindset are content with only the signs of the kingdom (healing and deliverance of individuals as found in Matthew 12:28 and Hebrews 2:1-3) instead of striving for a manifestation of the kingdom in their cities that impacts the quality of life politically and economically (Isaiah 61:3-4).
XII. Kingdom leaders believe for the gospel to economically lift whole communities. Church leaders believe for greater tithes and offerings to support their building projects and programs.
XIII. Kingdom leaders gravitate toward the complexities and challenges of cities. Church leaders gravitate toward lives of isolation and inward focus.
Before the Civil War, when the American church preached the kingdom message, the church was able to draft the founding documents of this great nation, and start schools and Ivy League universities, all for the purpose of placing godly leaders in society as the future presidents, governors, mayors, scientists, artists, writers, etc. The church took the lead in cultural reform.
But after the horrible experiences of the Civil War the church lost hope in the kingdom being manifest on the earth and started to focus on the imminent return of Christ and the rapture. This resulted in American culture being lost to secularists in one generation!
This turning away from the kingdom message led to church leaders isolating themselves from the looming threats of biblical higher criticism, Marxism, Darwinism, the infiltration of non-WASP immigrants, Sigmund Freud and psychology, and the Industrial Revolution. These brought many pressures upon the nuclear family as men had to go into the cities to find work. Instead of engaging the culture and these challenges head-on, the American church started looking for escape and changed its theology! The present move of God is finally bringing the church back onto the biblical footing of the kingdom message.
XIV. Kingdom leaders equip people for life. Church leaders equip people for church life.
Kingdom leaders inspire and equip the saints to serve in their cities as salt and light, to be like Daniel and Joseph who prospered and held significant leadership roles in the midst of pagan systems and kings.
Church leaders train people to be good altar workers, ushers, Sunday school teachers, Sunday preachers, etc.
XV. Kingdom leaders honor Jesus’ dual role as Redeemer and Creator. Church leaders separate redemption from creation.
Kingdom leaders realize that the Jesus who died on the cross (John 3:16) for the sins of the world (John 1:29) is the same Jesus who created the world (John 1:3-4).
When we apply the Word of God to culture we are embracing Jesus’ ownership of the whole world. But when we preach the cross of Christ only for individual sinners and do not also apply it to the created order we separate the Redeemer from the Creator!
XVI. Kingdom leaders are forward thinkers. Church leaders long for the past.
Kingdom leaders are excited about the future advance of Christendom in every facet of life and for every nation. They are excited over the increasing influence of Christ in culture. They train believers to replenish the earth by placing godly leaders in the realms of science, art, media, education, economics and politics. The sky is the limit for them!
The Bible is essentially not a book about heaven. It is not concerned with another geographic location whether spiritual or physical. It is mainly concerned with the person of Christ and His rule and dominion in the cosmos (read Ephesians 1:9-11)! Because of this, the Bible is the most practical book about life on the earth that has ever been written! Kingdom leaders understand and embrace this reality.
Church leaders emphasize heaven since they have no real sense of purpose to give to the majority of their congregants who are not called into full-time church ministry.
XVIII. Kingdom leaders envision the building of universities with theology serving as the “queen of the sciences.” Church leaders envision the establishment of church-centered Bible institutes that avoid liberal arts and the humanities.
XIX. Kingdom leaders are entrepreneurs. Church leaders are stuck in maintenance mode, merely holding their ground until Jesus comes back or they make it to heaven!
XX. Kingdom leaders pray for revival to bring people into the church and reformation to place believers as leaders in world systems. Church leaders merely pray and believe for higher attendance on Sundays.
XXI. Kingdom leaders work for cultural transformation. Church leaders focus on waiting for the rapture.
Jesus told the church to occupy until He comes. Kingdom leaders are busy strategizing how they are going to start schools of government to train political candidates, start businesses to create wealth to expand the kingdom, and develop educational programs to break cycles of poverty for at-risk children.
Those with a church mindset do not get involved in quality of life issues because their theology doesn’t allow for it! They think it is like arranging the chairs on the Titanic because the world will soon end when the antichrist takes over!
XXII. Kingdom leaders train their children to walk in biblical dominion in society. Church leaders’ highest hope is that their children don’t fall away from the faith!
Kingdom leaders have dominion as the primary goal for their children. They don’t teach their children to get secure jobs in big companies; they teach them to become the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies! They don’t teach them how to fish but how to own a lake! They echo the words of Moses in Deuteronomy 28:10-13 that teaches believers are called to be the head and not the tail, to be above and not beneath, to lend to many nations and not to borrow!
Church leaders take a defensive posture with their children by merely praying that they would not fall away from the faith. Even many who teach apologetics and biblical worldview are stuck in the church mindset because they are only teaching their children how to defend the faith instead of also how to advance the kingdom!
XXIII. Kingdom leaders empower the poor to own the pond. Church leaders give the poor some fish.
Kingdom leaders understand how to break poverty mindsets over people by equipping them to create their own wealth. Church leaders have an entitlement approach in which they merely feed the poor instead of equipping them to start their own businesses or work in high-level positions that will enable them to be prosperous for the sake of the kingdom!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Why I Preach the Kingdom
If you haven't read yesterday's blog, I want to encourage you to do so.
The following was written by Joseph Mattera, and I believe it is very pertinent for us at this time.
By “kingdom” I mean the rule of God over all creation. This includes understanding that the church is not the entire kingdom, but is only in the kingdom as its primary agent of proclamation and application.
My eyes were opened in 1995 when I went from a dispensational belief system to the kingdom message. As a result, the positive results in my life, message, and ministry cannot be overstated! Believing the Cultural Mandate in Genesis 1:28 has caused me and my wife to understand how to think generationally and practically, resulting in us having two more children, training our children to be world changers (for example, my son Jason is now the editor of Human Events and has already written a New York Times bestseller), reshaping the way we view youth and children's ministry, and moving the people in our church from a poverty mindset to a mindset of biblical prosperity.
I will attempt to summarize all of my reasons for preaching the kingdom, both for my own benefit and the benefit of those who read my writings.
1. The kingdom message connects the whole Bible and all its covenants to the original Cultural Mandate found in Genesis 1:28 (be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it, and have dominion over the created order). Without this passage as our starting point, we cannot properly interpret all other subsequent biblical covenants, including the New Covenant, since the Cultural Mandate is the original covenant of creation which shows all of humanity our purpose.
2. The kingdom message connects Jesus in His dual role as both Creator and Redeemer (John 1:3, 11, 14; 3:16). Those who preach that the cross is only for individual redemption miss the truth that the cross of Christ was also for the purpose of reconciling all things in the created order back to God (read Colossians 1:20).
3. The kingdom message brings the church back to the overarching narrative (instead of only focusing on various subplots of scripture) which reveals the ultimate purpose of God for the cross and the church: the gathering together in one all things under the Lordship of Christ (read Ephesians 1:9-11).
4. The kingdom message is a generational message connecting the dots between the seed of the woman (Genesis 3:15) and the seed of Abraham who would become the church (Galatians 3:29) who, as children of God, are called to bless all the families of the earth (Genesis 12:1-3), rule as kings in the earth (Genesis 17:5-7), and possess the gates of our enemies (Genesis 22:17). By implication, this means the gospel message is holistic and applicable for our children’s children to engage in politics, public policy, economics, and all the practical affairs of this life that are under kingdom influence and blessing.
5. The kingdom message alone gives Jesus His proper place as King of Kings and Lord of Lords because every king must have a kingdom to qualify as a king! To separate the gospel from the kingdom is an attempt to give good news that only applies to the next life. Hence, it does away with the power of the messianic prophecies that speak of Jesus’ call as ruler over the nations (read Genesis 49:10; Psalm 2:9-11; Psalm 110:1-3; Isaiah 9:6.7; Daniel chapters 2, 4, 7).
6. Preaching the kingdom motivates and releases all the saints in the church to serve as ministers of the Lord in His kingdom. (Only 2-3% of all Christians are called to serve in full-time church ministry.) Every kingdom has need for architects, lawyers, judges, educators, sociologists, politicians, economists, social workers, writers, etc. Understanding this is exciting for every person in church because of their various callings to serve God in the marketplace.
7. Preaching the kingdom releases Holy Spirit inspired creativity! The first move of the Holy Spirit was not on the Day of Pentecost but when the Spirit hovered over the newly made creation of planet earth (Genesis 1:1-3)! Hence, the Holy Spirit is still excited and hovers over the creativity found in God’s image-bearers as we walk out our vocations in the marketplace!
The greatest composers, musicians, athletes, writers, poets, playwrights, and filmmakers should come out of our churches! The greatest universities (such as Harvard, Yale and Princeton, founded when the church preached the kingdom in the 17th and 18th centuries) should be founded by Christians! Hospitals and the greatest charities should be founded by Christians and churches! Future mayors, governors and presidents should come out of the Body of Christ because we are called to possess the gates of our enemies and have kingship and rulership in our spiritual DNA (read Genesis 17:5-7)!
8. The kingdom is what Jesus, John the Baptist and Paul preached and is the primary theme of the New Testament (read Matthew 3:2, 4:17; Mark 1:15; Acts 28:31).
9. The kingdom message causes the church to be holistic in its approach to ministry because, even by its very name, it pressures us to think of how we as believers can collectively steward the created order and manage the earth.
10. The kingdom message, if received and preached again by the majority of true believers, would most definitely result in us redeeming cultures, transforming cities, and bringing biblical reformation to whole nations. This would spare nations from either judgment or extinction for not following the pattern laid out in the Ten Commandments for structuring nations.
Hence, the only hope for the United States is the preaching and application of the kingdom message! As in other words, Haiti doesn’t need another healing crusade. What Haiti needs is an apostle of government to become president who will bring kingdom order and root out corruption!
11. The kingdom message announces Jesus’ inheritance as found in Psalm 2:9-11.
Where does it say in the Bible that Jesus would have died on the cross if there was only one person on the earth and/or one sinner to redeem? I hear preachers say this all the time! Show me chapter and verse for this!
Jesus died to redeem whole nations and people groups. This goes along with our inheritance as saints as found in Ephesians 1:10-11 and is part of the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19, when Jesus commanded believers to disciple all of the nations, not just individual people but whole people groups!
The discipling of nations was very common in early church history. For example, when the heads of Gothic Germanic tribes would convert then all of their people converted as well. Whole nations would be baptized!
12. The kingdom message pressures pastors to become theologians who have a biblical worldview instead of only preaching the same feel-good, therapeutic messages Sunday after Sunday.
13. The kingdom message brings back to the fore true discipleship as it pressures every believer to study the scriptures pertaining to their particular marketplace calling as they learn to think biblically but speak secularly.
14. The kingdom message makes sense to everyone, especially world changers who come into our churches and feel bored when they are told that the highest calling they can have in life is to serve as an usher or minister for two hours every Sunday.
Because we have preached a truncated gospel we have lost the greatest world changers--politicians and statesmen with callings like Churchill and entrepreneurs like Bill Gates--because they come into our churches and only hear messages dealing with life after death. Thus, they leave and go into the world where their gifts are truly appreciated!
The current church mindset only appreciates and ordains Sunday preachers instead of nurturing and commissioning people called into secular culture as ministers and prophets. It is a sad thing but, given the kind of preaching we hear every Sunday, many churches currently have no place for believers called like Joseph (the prophet economist who saved Egypt and Israel in Genesis 37-50), Daniel (who, as a prime minister prophet brought transformation to Babylon and Persia), or Nehemiah (a politician who rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem)!
15. The kingdom message allows parents to recognize the marketplace callings upon their children and to disciple them in the scriptures accordingly! Not all of our children are called to be full-time church ministers but all of our children are called to serve as ministers in the kingdom!
In Conclusion: Ten Implications of the Kingdom Message
1. We understand that being born again is not about going to heaven but having our eyes opened so that we finally see the Lordship of Christ over all the earth as King of Kings (read John 3:3-6).
2. We understand John 3:16 as not just God loving individual sinners but sending His Son to redeem the created order. (The word “world” in the Greek is “cosmos” which is the systems of the created order.) Thus, God wants us as His kingdom people to apply the Bible to economics and public policy, not just to prayer and the fruit of the Spirit.
3. The ministry gifts found in Ephesians 4:11 are seen as equipping the saints for the work of the ministry in the marketplace to fill up all things, not just for church ministry (read Ephesians 4:10-12 for the context).
4. We shift from a platonic/dualistic approach to life, in which we erroneously believe that God only values spiritual things, to a holistic approach in which we value the material world as well. (John 1:14: The Word became flesh, thus flesh is not evil.)
5. There is a movement toward incarnation in which we not only “march for Jesus” but we “move in” for Jesus and immerse ourselves in our communities, not just our churches. We should serve our cities with our marketplace callings as ministers of the kingdom, not just serve God on Sundays in church buildings.
6. The church is to nurture apostles of government, law, economics, and education, not just ecclesial elders involved in church government, church by-laws, tithes and offerings, and nurturing Sunday school teachers.
7. We understand and view Jesus as the King of the earth, not just as the Head of the Body of Christ.
8. We understand that the church is not the totality of the kingdom but is the primary agent of the kingdom as salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16).
9. We are to labor not only for revival but societal reformation because revival brings people into the church and reformation places believers in societal leadership.
Although we believe in the separation of church and state because they are two separate spheres of authority in the created order, we do not believe in the separation of God and state because all of life is about religious and moral choices.
There is no such thing as moral neutrality. Either society will be under the rule of an atheistic, humanistic religious order or under a biblical religious order.
More to come concerning the kingdom of God! I hope you are getting something from these that will stir you to meditate on God's Word, and inspire and empower you to effectively expand the kingdom of God.
May God continue to bless you, and make you a blessing to others,