The following was posted August 1, 2010. As I was going through my admin, I noticed that it had this blog as a "draft." Why would it be a "draft?" It's already posted. I believe this is a divine appointment for someone, and the Lord wanted me to post it again for someone. So here it is, unedited after this paragraph.
I believe that this prophetic word is for many people, but I believe that there's a pastor that needs to hear this ... "My child, I love you and I'm with you. Regardless of what you see around you, regardless of situations and circumstances, regardless of the turmoil, I'm with you. I'm with you to bring you through. You know me, you know what I've told you. I am not a man that I should lie. Because I have spoken, I have purposed, and I will not change My mind, nor will I turn from it. Stand firm. Guard your heart, for from it flow the issues of life. Do not allow the situations and circumstances that surround you dictate your actions. Follow my word, which I sent to heal you and deliver you. Stand firm. Why have the schemes of the devil, the activities of the rulers and powers, the world forces of this darkness, and the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places come so strongly against you at this time? It's because your breakthrough is at hand. Stand firm. I am with you, says the Lord."
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